Signage and Planning – the Perfect Holiday Companion

Fall brings cool weather, shorter daylight hours and holiday hustle and bustle. With the additional commitments of the season, our schedules become increasingly packed. Time spent trying to navigate a poorly signed building is wasted time, something we’re especially eager to avoid during the holidays.
Good signage is similar to good health – we don’t appreciate it until it’s not there. It guides, directs and identifies, making our lives easier. To ensure your next project is up to snuff (and up to code), consult with a signage expert and keep these signage guidelines in mind.
Code is law
You may think a unit ID would look great above a door frame. But, before you start planning around that design, make sure it’s code compliant. If you install signs in the wrong location, you’ll have to remove and relocate them. That damages the sign and wall, incurring additional repair or replacement costs. Your signage vendor will be able to provide guidance on the code requirements which apply to your project.
More is less
Once you’ve covered the basic code requirements, think about the building from a visitor’s point of view. Is there adequate directional signage? If certain areas or rooms are governed by rules (i.e. fitness centers, business lounges), are those rules clearly posted? When someone enters the building, is there visually impactful signage of the building’s identity?
But sometimes…less is more
There is such a thing as over signing a project, both in quantity and color scheme. Signage should be readily visible but it should also mesh with the building’s design and identity. Multiple loud colors don’t just stand out – they can make a relatively new project look dated.
The next time you quickly and successfully navigate an unfamiliar building, send thoughts full of holiday cheer to the sign company which helped make your trip a little less harried.